The Biodynamic approach of Osteopathy

works with the body’s natural ability to heal

Margaret River
A Holistic Approach
An intro

A natural self-healing response occurs when we feel our Health within

 – a memory often hidden beneath many layers of stress and body dysfunction. Being able to feel one’s true self and perfect potential within, creates the holistic equivalent of an immune response. In being able to more clearly discerning the difference between self and non-self, between that which is conducive to health and wellbeing (and that which is not), the body can see and begin to let go of dysfunction held deep within. With feelings of safety and purpose arising from a relationship with the Health, our body can more effectively surrender and unravel – without any internal resistance or external force being required.

The purpose of Biodynamic Osteopathy is to find Health within every patient – the perfect and unique potential that we each bring into life – a unity of body, soul and spirit untouched by trauma.

The process of finding Health involves gently laying hands upon a patient’s body, and fostering the capacity for stillness and surrender (within the practitioner and patient). 

Surrender (or neutrality) means that one is free to be shifted by (and not resist) even the most subtle of influences. Since the Health is of a material and non-material nature, surrender also involves the willingness to be open-minded! The Health itself is then free to support and guide the practitioner and patient throughout a treatment process.

more Information

Through the art of listening and learning, Biodynamic Osteopathy has developed over a period of 140+ years. David himself has had ongoing post-graduate training in the US with the late Dr. James Jealous (Osteopathic physician and obstetrician), the founder of the Biodynamic methodology. Treatment is suited to preconception care, pregnancy, babies and family inter-generational health.

Through the art of listening and learning, Biodynamic Osteopathy has developed over a period of 140+ years. David himself has had ongoing post-graduate training in the US with the late Dr. James Jealous (Osteopathic physician and obstetrician), the founder of the Biodynamic methodology. Treatment is suited to preconception care, pregnancy, babies and family inter-generational health. Wholistic healthcare for adults. Complex trauma history. Seeking relief from painful symptoms – whether they be of a physical, emotional or spiritual origin. Preventative healthcare – preparing your body for the challenges of life. Head, jaw, neck, thoracic, lumbar, pelvic, arms and legs symptoms. Mood, stress, breathing, circulation, digestive and reproductive health etc.

“It is the objective of the doctor to find health, anyone can find disease”

​~ Dr. Andrew Still (Surgeon and founder of Osteopathy)

For more information

Contact us

(08) 9774 5630
3/28 Station Road, Margaret River

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